The Good, the Bad, and the Supplemental: A Look at What Makes a Good Supplement

The Good, the Bad, and the Supplemental: A Look at What Makes a Good Supplement

June 03, 20243 min read

Hello, friends and fellow wellness enthusiasts! Today we're diving into the complex, sometimes confusing, but always juicy world of supplements. Picture this: you walk into a health store, and you're instantly overwhelmed by shelves upon shelves of little bottles promising everything from eternal youth to a six-pack that would make a Greek god jealous. You ask yourself, "Which one is good for me?" Well, hang tight, because we're about to unravel this mystery faster than you can say "turmeric-infused kombucha." At least, this is what happens when I enter the health store on a supplement run

The Star Players: Active Ingredients

Let's start with the obvious—active ingredients. These are the herbs, minerals, vitamins, and exotic-sounding compounds (hello, Coenzyme Q10) that you're actually looking to consume. The first step in judging a good supplement is ensuring that these active ingredients are in forms that the body can easily absorb. Because let's face it, if your body treats your expensive supplement like an uninvited party guest, you're basically flushing money down the toilet.

Supporting Cast: Bioavailability

Just like you wouldn't bake a cake with just sugar and leave out the eggs, a good supplement often comes with "supporting" ingredients that enhance bioavailability. However, the cautionary tale is: not all sidekicks are superheroes

The Villains: Excipients

Now, onto the dark side of the supplement world: excipients like silicon dioxide and titanium oxide, plasticizers and phthalates, polyethylene glycol and polysorbate 80. Sure, they may sound like they belong in a science fiction novel, but you definitely don't want them vacationing inside your body. Never mind the fact that your body can not easily break them down and that will overstress an already compromised GI system.

Quality Assurance: Third-Party Testing

If a supplement were a movie, then third-party testing would be the film critics—providing unbiased reviews you can (generally) trust. Always look for supplements that have been verified by independent labs. This way, you know the supplement is not the nutritional equivalent of a box office flop. Or better yet, how about a supplement that has no excipients at all? The GRaS report? We are all grownups here. You can decide if you want to ingest products that are Generally Regarded as Safe. I mean, by whose standards?

The Grand Finale: Source Matters

Last but not least, consider where your supplement ingredients are coming from. If the label says "Made with 100% unicorn tears harvested under a full moon," you might want to put that bottle down and slowly back away. But if the sourcing is transparent and ethical, you're probably holding a blockbuster hit.

To sum it up, a good supplement should have easily absorbed active ingredients, minimal to no nasty excipients, third-party testing, and ethical sourcing. Follow these guidelines and you'll be the savvy Spielberg of your own supplement saga.

For savvy supplement enthusiasts like you, here's an exclusive link to enjoy an extra 25% discount on all your supplement essentials. Feel free to explore our extensive store with hundreds of top-notch brands. And yes, sharing the link with others is absolutely encouraged because when it comes to health, the more, the merrier, right? Check it out and Ciao for now.

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The information provided from Simply Synched LLC  and all information from Cherie Henderson is NOT a substitute for medical advice. Consult with your physician or with your healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or nutritional supplement program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. Do not use any dietary supplement or bioenergetic or homeopathic equivalent  as a replacement for conventional care or as a reason to postpone seeing a doctor about a medical problem.