My Story

At Simply Synched, Cherie' stands at the forefront as an exceptional bioenergetic practitioner. With a foundation as a registered nurse, she brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to her practice.

Cherie' employs a diverse array of tools and advanced equipment to uncover the root causes of disease, offering holistic solutions that lead her clients from illness to wellness. Her passion extends beyond the clinic; she's an avid mountain biker, a dedicated student of energy frequency and vibration, and a fervent researcher of the biochemistry of cancer. Cherie' believes deeply in the interconnectedness of environment, genetics, diet, and hydration in health.

In her personal life, she finds joy in performing live theatre and has a special bond with animals, who seem to intuitively connect with her. As a mother, sister, friend, entrepreneur, meditator, and above all, a healer, Cherie' embodies a compassionate and dynamic approach to health and well-being. Her dedication and multifaceted expertise make her a beacon of hope and healing for all who seek her care.

The information provided from Simply Synched LLC  and all information from Cherie Henderson is NOT a substitute for medical advice. Consult with your physician or with your healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or nutritional supplement program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. Do not use any dietary supplement or bioenergetic or homeopathic equivalent  as a replacement for conventional care or as a reason to postpone seeing a doctor about a medical problem.